TWO young tourists are planning to sue after losing an arm and a leg in a horrific speedboat accident.
The German holidaymakers were testing an underwater scooter in Es Trenc when the speeding vessel rammed right through them and left them for dead.
“Suddenly a boat appeared and was going very, very fast and hit us,” said victim Max, 20.
Boats are required to slow down to around five knots when within 300 metres of another boat, something this boat allegedly did not do.
“None of the crew of that boat helped us.
“I had to swim 15 meters to our boat after losing my arm, I was so afraid of bleeding out.”
The boat’s propeller had sliced his arm off just above the elbow.
Divers would later find the hacked off arm but it would be too late to reattach.
His friend Tobias, 26, was left floating in the water after having his leg shredded to pieces.
A member of the boys’ boat helped drag them aboard before speeding to the beach where they were met by medics, some 45 minutes after the hit-and-run.

Tobias’s leg had to be amputated due to the severity of the injuries.
The lads had just finished their exams in Germany and were enjoying their first trip to the island.
They are planning to sue the drivers of the boat that hit them for compensation.
Although they admitted they had not put buoys or signals in place to let others know they were in the water.