THE ENTIRE Murcia region has banned social gatherings between non-cohabitants, from today, January 14.
Meetings of any sort will only be allowed with people that you live with.
As for anyone else, you cannot meet with them in private or public spaces.
The decree, which is expected to come into force with immediate effect, “limits social, family and recreational gatherings between people who do not live together.”

López Miras (above), President of the Murcia Region, reported the change in rules at a press conference after his Committee meeting, last night.
He stressed, ONLY meetings of people belonging to the same household are permitted, in public and in private, indoors and outdoors, as well as in private vehicles.
He wants to “cut down completely all types of activities in which the face mask is removed.”
There are a number of exceptions, however, such as workplaces or schools and colleges.
Also, for children who live at a different address from that of their parents, people with a marital or partner relationship that live in different households, and the care of elderly or dependents, also people that live completely alone.
The decree is expected to be in effect for 14 days throughout the entire region, until January 28.