FISHERMEN at Valencia port made the strangest catch of their lives yesterday (Monday March 1).
A team of workers on board an inflatable dinghy at 12.30 pm spotted a wild boar swimming in the sea within the limits of Valencia city port.
The animal was showing clear signs of disorientation and fatigue, and is thought to have been in the water since at least 10 am.
The fishermen managed to get a rope underneath the boar and tow it towards the dock, while a member of the group notified the Guardia Civil.

They managed to get the pig safely ashore, where it was immobilised by an officer until a team of animal welfare experts were able to collect the boar and take it to El Saler fauna recovery centre.
No one knows how the pig got there, but since last year’s coronavirus lockdown there has been a surge in sightings of wild animals in town and city centres where they had never been spotted before.
It is thought the boar got lost and fell into the sea, where it swam for its life until being rescued.
The animal is said to be in good health and recovering well from its ordeal.