MOTHER’S Day in Spain is celebrated every year on the first Sunday of May.
But since we are still limited by coronavirus restrictions, lots of us won’t be able to see our mums, grans and aunts this Sunday.
So with that in mind, we’ve created a round-up of things you can do for her this Mother’s Day as proof you don’t have to be there in person to let her know how much she means to you.
Thanks to the vaccine roll-out, we are all optimistic that next year we can all be with the ladies we love best. We are already daydreaming of giving our mums a big hug and sharing a delicious meal together.
But until that time comes, we’re here to give you a round-up of things you can do for her on Mother’s Day this year to ensure it is still a special day, no matter how far apart you are!

- 1. Flowers
It’s a classic for a reason and nothing says “I’m thinking about you” like sending your mum some gorgeous flowers. Extra points if you splash out on some really fancy ones! But if you’re a bit tight for cash, even a bunch of daffodils will make sure that she still feels loved on the day.
2. Video call
Who says you can’t share an experience just because you can’t be in the same room? If you were planning on going out for afternoon tea, arrange to hold it over Facetime or Skype. Or if you’re thinking of something a little less extravagant, sharing a glass of champagne or even just a cup of tea means you’ll still get quality time together.
3. Make a video montage of old family photos
We don’t know about you, but nothing makes us feel nostalgic like old family photos, and there’s nothing quite as thoughtful as creating a scrapbook of them for your loved one. If you’re looking for something thoughtful, then the modern equivalent of a video montage of family snaps through the years will probably bring a wee tear to your mum’s eye.
And three simple ideas for the littel ones still lucky enough to live with their mummys:
1. Breakfast in bed
Surprise Mum with a simple breakfast of freshly squeezed orange juice, cereals or toast, taken on a tray to her bedroom.
Add a flower (even if it’s just a paper one) and you’re guaranteed to make her smile.
2. DIY Paper Crafts
The best gift a mother can receive on Mother’s Day will be something prepared by the little ones of the household with their own hands.
A piece of paper and crayons suffice to make a special homemade picture that will be cherished.
For inspiration to find age-appropriate ideas, a quick browse on the internet searching for ‘arts and crafts for kids’ will provide hundreds of ideas.
3. Bake a cake
Children in general love to cook simple recipes and if there is a bit of chocolate involved, even better.

And Mummy is guaranteed to be delighted with a cake which has been lovingly prepared just for her.
Again make it simple, there are even some cakes which can be prepared without the need of an oven or special flour.

Let the kids have some fun, just make sure to clean up the mess they are likely to make before Mummy sees it!
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