BRITISH expats, residents, and non-residents may be sick of hearing the word ‘BREXIT’ but most still need to consider its implications linked to living outside the UK since January1. has gathered together another group of experts to give incisive, up to the minute advice on all the latest issues and updates for Brits abroad.

On Monday October 25 two seminars will take place at Hotel Ilunion in Fuengirola at 11 am and 6.30 pm.
The events are free and will last for around 90 minutes.
Overshadowed by the COVID pandemic, Brexit eventually passed and most of us already took certain steps to adapt to the changes brought about.
But events have now taken a new dimension, and the specialists will explain how things have changed for foreigners in a variety of different ways and what the effects of leaving the EU have had upon us.
The seminars will provide useful advice about living in Spain from 2021 along with the services provided that may help!
The information offered is up-to-date, and the advice is based upon the current rules and facts available now…remember things do change, and is it extremely likely that certain issues faced by expats will change over time.
You are invited to join the panel of experts and to ask your questions.
You are also free to stay behind to speak to the panel on a one-to-one basis at the end.
To attend the free live seminars please contact us by phone +34 602296180 or via the web to reserve your seat at
Topics for the seminars include:
• Spanish Residency – Your rights, health care, TIE card, and the green residency card, non-residents/second homeowners restrictions, obtaining visas both the non-lucrative and the Spanish Golden visa.
• Working in Spain – rules for self-employed, starting a business, working as a digital nomad.
• Legal advice – information about protecting your assets, wills, buying or
selling your property.
• Financial planning, tax, pensions, and investments.
• Funeral planning and why you should be covered in Spain.
• Currency transfer services – New EU regulations, getting the most from your overseas income.
For more information visit