THE Muralla Roja(Red Wall) building in Calpe reaches a landmark next year with the local council announcing a special commemoration of the iconic structure.
Calpe council has voted to name 2023 as ‘Bofill Year’ after Catalan architect, Ricardo Bofill who designed the complex.
Next year sees the 50th anniversary of the completion of the Red Wall at Cala de la Manzanera. which gives the appearance of a colourful fortress.
The building, which comprises of 50 apartments, is a popular location choice for advertising agencies and companies for video and photographic shoots.

Calpe mayor, Ana Sala, has repeated calls for the Red Wall to be declared as an Asset of Cultural Interest(BIC), ‘once and for all’.
The designation was first suggested in 2015 but residents say they have been ‘tormented’ for years by tourists visiting the building and entering private areas.
Calpe’s Urban Planning councillor, Juan Manuel del Pino, said: “Visitors who want to discover this emblematic architectural complex should have a chance to visit it and a BIC would establish an opening hour schedule’.
Warning signs have been put up to stop trespassers and the Red Wall residents association last year warned of legal action to fight any BIC classification.
They’ve also criticised Calpe council for a lack of consultation over the process.
Juan Manuel del Pino commented that property owners ‘make a lot of money in rental charges to holiday makers and large fees charged for the use of the area in adverts.