SPAIN has recorded its lowest registered unemployed total for May since 2008, with 2.6 million people out of work.
The total is a 59,000 reduction on April, as seasonal jobs become available related to the tourist sector.
The monthly fall is higher than a year ago when it dropped by over 49,000 but is much smaller than in the middle of the previous decade when May reductions topped 100,000.

One of the main reasons for that is Spain was recovering from historically-high jobless figures caused by the recession.
The country saw 220,289 new jobs created last month and the third-best May for job creation this century, following 2017 and 2018.
A record number of people-21.32 million- are now registered with Social Security as being employed with women passing the 10 million mark for the first time.
Over a third of new jobs are in the hospitality industry ahead of what is expected to be a record summer tourist season.
Other sectors saw employment increases in agriculture (+18,889), industry (+9,891) and construction (+7,206).
Compared to May 2023, Spain has 506,395 more Social Security affiliates.
The Balearic Islands, which bases most of its economy on tourism, gained 9.3% workers in May- well above the national average of 1%.
Other high-gaining regions were Aragon (2.3%), La Rioja (1.9%) and Castilla-La Mancha (1.5%).
Despite the positive trends, Spain’s jobless rate of 11.7% is still double the European Union average.