NATIONAL Geographic have selected this town as Spain’s best December destination.
Just a stone’s throw from Madrid lies one of Spain’s most overlooked medieval towns now selected by National Geographic as its favourite Christmas getaway.
Pedraza, Segovia is where ‘time stands still’ according to the respected travel magazine.
Its cobbled streets rise up around the Encinarejo and Vadillo streams between two magnificent hills.

A ‘real natural bastion’ topped by an imposing castle placed right on the spot of a former roman settlement.
There’s just one gate in and out of the town, constructed in the 16th century with two wooden doors restored in the mudejar style.
Although today the Puerta de la Villa remains open 24/7 it was once shut at night and guarded against outsiders.
Just behind the gates is the old textile market, once known for its stunning wool weaving and the old Dark Ages jail.

Another must-visit is the Iglesia de Santo Domingo, a 17th century church where the town’s jewish quarter once was.
The impressive building is just one of many in Pedraza, known for its grand mansions and stone houses.
Spend a while in the porticoed Plaza Mayor, which was once a bull ring from the town’s upper classes.

To the south of the town is the Iglesia de San Juan Bautista, with an intriguing roman tower and mini plaza.

Don’t leave without admiring the Plaza del Ganado’s linden blossom tree, a fire of reds and oranges in autumn.
Once you’ve tired of exploring the fairytale streets, check out the Parque Natural de las Hoces del Rio Duraton, a natural spectacle of griffon vultures leaping from the rocky cliffs into spectacular red sandstone canyons.
Crowning the crags are the ruins of the convent of Nuestra Señora de los Angeles, founded in the 13th century, and the hermitage of San Frutos, the home of the Benedictine monks well into the 19th century.
At the end of some 25km of gorges, the river arrives at the Burgomillodo reservoir, where you can swim or kayak between the canyons.
Its no wonder that Pedraza is one of Spain’s ‘prettiest towns’ thanks to the stunning surroundings, romantic cobbled streets and rich history.