ONE party governing for a decade is unhealthy.
One party governing for 33 years is nothing short of dangerous, and a slap in the face for democracy.
Andalucia needs change, in any shape or form.
When politics has become a byword for corruption and nepotism, as it surely has at regional Junta level, it is clear that something has gone drastically wrong.
But 2015 can be the year that Andalucia begins afresh.
Podemos and Ciudadanos promise that new start, while even the PP would be better than continuing down the same one-party road, built to keep a bloated political class chugging along comfortably.
The polls suggest Susana Diaz’s PSOE will win the most seats this weekend, but without the absolute majority to govern alone.
The most recent polls by ABC, El Pais and Metroscopia put PSOE in first place with 34% of the vote, followed by the PP on 27%, Podemos with 15%, Ciudadanos with 11% and finally the IU at 7%.
A coalition, therefore, is practically a given.
It is clear that 2012’s socialist coalition with the IU – which allowed the PSOE to retain power – was not enough.
This is the time for the likes of Podemos’ Teresa Rodriguez and Ciudadanos’ Juan Marin to make their mark on this diverse and beautiful part of the world.
What is certain is that change must come, one way or another.
The Olive Press is not con Susana.
Nor me neither. Susana’s ambition is clear, after forcing Andalucía through two elections in 60 days (March 22nd and May 24th), she wants to leave her mark as the power-in-waiting for the PSOE primaries in July.
PSOE have failed Andalucia for over 30 years and more of the same is a terrible option. A coalition between them and one of the other parties is the most likely outcome (not IU of course) but not Podemos I hope – I would never support a party that admires Venezuela and thinks they are a model for Europe.