15 Jun, 2015 @ 13:27
1 min read

Spain’s smoking sadness

Pictures Of Smokers

SMOKING is the number one killer in Spain, killing more than AIDS, alcohol, illegal drugs and traffic accidents collectively.

A report on premature moPictures-Of-Smokersrtality lead by the Castilla y León regional health office revealed that smoking related illnesses sent 60,500 Spaniards to their graves in 2012 and that 15 percent of all deaths on the peninsular are tobacco-related.

Lead researcher Gutiérrez Abejón has blamed this rise in mortality on the increasing number of females, who spurred on by tobacco companies’ marketing campaigns, have recently started to take a drag from the fag.

Esteve Fernández, president of the Spanish Epidemiology Society, is demanding health companies to introduce heavier measures on generic packaging and to show “more courage” in the fight against the legal drug.


  1. Stefanjo, like what you said, but, a big but, you tented to miss out wars, famine and everything else that snuff people out….. Just expanding your thoughts on smoking and snuffing.

  2. ALCOHOL and TOBACCO are the twin scythes of the Grim Reaper and have been for centuries, representing two of the most foolish entanglements man is fool enough to associate among his suicidal pleasures.

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