SPAIN’S air traffic controllers are planning more strikes in July.
The strikes are to take place on July 11, 12, 25 and 26.
Air traffic controllers will down tools between 10am and 1pm on the 11th and 25th and 5pm and 8pm on the 12th and 26th.
It is the second such action to be taken in as many months and the strikes threaten to disrupt many holidaymakers plans during the busiest travel days of the month.
The USCA (air traffic union) confirmed the strike on Twitter, blaming Enaire – which runs most of Spain’s airports – for failing to meet their demands.
A total of 61 members of staff were fined one month’s salary after missing work at Barcelona’s Control Centre last month.
The USCA are demanding that this money is repaid to those who were punished.
Oh Dear, I am flying to Spain on one of those days. Let us hope they are called off.
I think you mean you were hoping to fly on one of those dates :)
Still look on the bright side, good books to read on your Kindle and Airport food is pretty good these days, just bring a pillow
Only a trade union could be so stupid