TWO former mayors are finally being hauled before the courts over the next month.
Former Casares mayor Juan Sanchez is facing 18 years in prison and a €2.5 million fine for his role in the infamous Majestic property scandal.
Sanchez will be tried on October 24 over allegations that he took millions in bribes from Russian mafia boss Ricardo Fanchini and cohorts Robert Gaspar and Robert Mani in return for building licences.
Meanwhile, disgraced ex-Gaucin mayor Francisco Corbacho will appear at Malaga’s Penal Court Number 4 on September 20, although Gaucin Town Hall refused to confirm the charges.
In 2008, Corbacho was fined €2,700 and banned from office for seven years after syphoning off €200,000 of town hall funds.
One concerned expat Ron Shotton told the Olive Press his neighbour, Brenda Richardson, had been called as a witness for next week’s trial, but was unable to attend due to her husband’s ill health.
“It is amazing that this is all being kept so much in the dark,” he added.
“18 years in prison…”
lol, in your dreams.
“In 2008, Corbacho was fined €2,700 and banned from office for seven years after syphoning off €200,000 of town hall funds”
Small fine and sentence for such a large sum. It would be straight to prison in most countries.
“It is amazing that this is all being kept so much in the dark”
On the contrary. It’s quite normal – Spain wants to project the image of normality so that poor expats can be conned in to purchasing more and more rubbish built and illegal houses. On it goes.