23 Nov, 2016 @ 12:10
1 min read

Controversial Kim’s Animal Rescue centre raided by Guardia Civil after moving to Almeria

Kims rescue centre Kim looking sour e

Kim's rescue centre - Kim looking sourAN embattled animal shelter is the subject of yet another abuse investigation.

Kim’s Animal Rescue is being probed, just 10 weeks after moving to Almeria from Mijas, it can be revealed.

It comes after the new shelter in Gador was denounced by neighbours over claims that up to 100 dogs on its premises were ‘starving’.

Officers from the Guardia Civil’s Seprona animal welfare arm have allowed owner Kim Halliwell to keep around 75 dogs at the site, while an investigation proceeds.

Last night, the Mancunian confirmed the raid and admitted she is still waiting for a licence for the new centre.

She claimed she had to leave her old premises in Mijas – where she still has 25 dogs – after being forced to sell up and demolish the buildings.

“I know the new centre here is not ready,” Halliwell told the Olive Press. “And Seprona have told me I cannot move my remaining dogs because of paperwork issues.”

She added: “I really had no choice. As part of the sale agreement I had to demolish the kennels and so I had nowhere else to take the dogs.

“We are currently in the process of getting a licence.”

Her old centre, which was on the market for €180,000, has been recently sold to northern European buyers.

Halliwell had been forced to sell up after running into financial difficulties, when she was ordered by Mijas Town Hall to repay €20,000 after missing several payments on a loan initially taken out to build kennels.

A further €12,000 is due over the next five years.

Critics of the shelter claimed Kim and her daughter Kelly were ‘not capable of running a centre’.

In an Olive Press investigation in 2014, dozens of former volunteers slammed the treatment of animals.

President of Estepona animal shelter Adana Mary Page, 71, told the Olive Press that the latest investigation comes as ‘no surprise’.

“Kim always had problems in Mijas and it looks like she is doing the same thing again in Almeria.”

She added: “She never had the correct licences while she was in Mijas. It gives us all a bad name.”

Rob Horgan

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  1. Kim has been around for years she rescues dogs that would otherwise be dead on the road, her set up may not be perfect but what she does is what many wouldnt do. she never looks glamourous and does what she can to help them. Kim has always had problems caused by other people, why dont they shut up and put up.
    I had a dog called bobby from her about 18 years ago and he died recently, she does her best raising money and has homed thousands of dogs over the years. you shouldnt have a go at someone who helps the many dogs dumped by the spanish and many many brits.

  2. sorry but Kim is being extremely selfish and rescuing dogs purely for her financial gain. Not looking glamorous has nothing to do with it. If you saw the videos you would not be defending her! Anyone who cares about animals would never create the hell she has and bring poor animals into it. She had to move, but why take on new animals elsewhere when she has 25 dogs still in limbo? Why not get her act together before bringing more animals into her sorry mess? – one simple answer- MONEY.

  3. This woman is evil – the funds she obtains do not go on the dogs. I have no doubt she has success rehoming some of them – but the majority are not looked after properly. Why is she still allowed to keep these animals and treat them in this way. Who knows where these dogs are going when they go to Finland and Switzerland (reknowned for animal testing). Close her down now and ban her from operating any rescue in the future.

  4. what a load of rubbish, what do you women do to help the stray dogs, put a few euros in a tin!
    nobody says her place was perfect ,how can anywhere be perfect with so many dogs.
    as I said previously what is the alternative, at least they are safe and not on the side of the road.

    she is not evil, sarah fox you sound like a crabby evil old moo. anyone who helps stray dogs is ok in my book. what do you want for the dogs luxury heated kennels, in an ideal world maybe but this is spain where cruelty to animals is acceptable and that includes brits.

  5. and you should not be allowed to vent your evil bile about somebody who has dedicated her life
    to helping dogs, and i am sure most of the money she collects at boot sales etc would not make her a rich woman. instead of spouting rubbish why dont you help her, or is it you have a personal vendetta
    against her.
    kim has helped dogs for many years , what have you done ? nothing proberly except sit on your fat **** whining.

  6. ladymuck – how can u say that she is helping dogs when they is clearly starving?
    There is alot of other shelters who can take care of theese dogs.
    She can help dogs without having them at home. She is clearly doing this so she dont need to work as a normal person.

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