SO MUCH has been thrown at us in the last year, from the devastating floods in September to the VAT crackdown from the government.
The craziest thing was that we were actually getting back to some sort of normality – and now coronavirus!
With the shops closed and everything we are facing another crisis.
We haven’t got any money coming in at all – yes it’s scary, but like it’s a situation completely out of our hands. We have to get on and do the best we can for animals in our care.
People out there have said many kind things, we thank everybody that follows us and everyone donating to keep us going without our main income.
Recent donations have enabled us to buy a load of forage that will hopefully last us three and a half weeks. Apart from that, we’ve used up all the money we’ve got.

We paid our local vet, Dorothea, and we still owe the hospital 3,000, but as far as we are concerned the horses come first.
At the end of the day, the Government are doing the right thing.
We all have to do the best we can so this virus doesn’t spread.
We are getting on with like everyone else – the trouble is most people don’t have 121 horses, ponies and donkeys.
Following last week’s bad news on Rupert, Dorothea has been here to do an ultrasound on him.
He’s got an issue where he can’t pee naturally – last week’s infection was just a by-product of the main problem.
The problem is that Rupert is a farm pig, a meat pig, and these never live to his age normally.
It could be a common problem, be most farmers won’t come across it.
As ever, we will carry on like everyone else, giving animals like Rupert a second chance in life.
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