ONCE on the endangered-species list, Spain’s native Iberian lynx population is thriving.
The wild cat has grown from just 94 individual species located in Andalucía in 2004 to 461 in 2019.
The lynx population in Andalucia continues to grow, seeing a 3.6% increase in the last year including a slight increase in the number of breeding females to a total of 121.
The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development has just completed a report on the Andalucian lynx population census for 2019 outlining the numbers of the now thriving Lynx population in Andalucia.

In 2002, there were only two known populations of the wild cat in Spain, both ranging across an area of just 125 square kilometres in Andalucía — one in Doñana in the province of Huelva and the other in Andujar, Jaen.
Since 2002 Andalucia has seen a significant increase in the area of expansion to 1,774 square kilometres.
Sierra Morena area (Guadalmellato, Cardeña, Andujar, Guarrizas) has established itself as the main Iberian lynx territory with 356 specimens occupying 1,000 square kilometres.