A MULTI-MILLION euro underground highway linking Torrevieja and Orihuela is to be discussed this week, with important funding from the EU.
Speedy transport links have been needed for some time in the Vega Baja, but planners have now addressed the additional issue of environmental impact.

Sources claim that the Ministry of Development together with the Department of Infrastructures are to announce a project for the 23km road AND rail connection between the two major urban areas.
The underground aspect was decided to avoid disrupting the environment in areas such as Sierra Escalona.
The undisclosed expense of the project is said to be offset by the minimal cost to the environment and the added value to the economy.
The locations of the entry and exit points are expected to be announced in the official launch, later this week.

At the Orihuela end, it is anticipated that road and rail access will be close to the Miguel Hernández Intermodal Station.
As the highway travels to the coast, new stations are planned for Jacarilla and San Miguel de Salinas.
Authorities are said to be pleased with the plans, equally because of the safeguard to the environment as well as the economy.
The Spanish Government is to begin talks with the EU this month to obtain finance for the project.