ONE out of every four young people in the Valencia region is affected by a temporary employment regulation, known as ERTE.
Around 25% of employees aged between 16 and 29 have been placed on partially paid leave due to the coronavirus pandemic – a figure that is still below the national average for Spain, which sits at 30% for this age bracket.
According to the Spanish Youth Council, more than 100,000 young valencianos and valencianas saw their workload – and salary – drop drastically from January to June last year.
The report also reveals that unemployment in the Valencian Community doubled among the 30 to 34 age group, making it the third worst region in this regard.

However, Valencia claims the top spot in yet another negative ranking – over 25% of employees aged 16 to 29 have part-time contracts, dropping to 20% for the 30 to 34-year-olds.
Financial difficulties and workplace insecurity lead to another problem for young people in the Valencia region and throughout Spain as a whole, namely finding somewhere to live.
The percentage of youngsters who are able to move into their own home, rented or with a mortgage, has dropped by 12% compared to 12 years ago, the sharpest fall after the Balearic Islands.