27 May, 2021 @ 17:21
1 min read

IN PICS: A look around the unmissable monument and UNESCO World Heritage Site that is Cordoba’s Mesquita-catedral

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Stunning views of the Mezquita Catedral in Cordoba

THE iconic symbol of Cordoba is the stunning Mosque-Cathedral, which is an extraordinary example of the blending of Muslim and Christian cultures.

Mezquita Mihrab Detalle Cordoba T1400760

Built in the 8th Century under the rule of Amir Abd ar-Rahman I, the mosque became a Christian church when Cordoba was conquered by Fernando III of Castilla in 1236.

Mezquita Patio Naranjos Cordoba T1400218a

Such was its stunning beauty, the christians decided to preserve the mosque rather than destroy it, enhancing its beauty by adding new spaces and monuments.

The central focus of the edifice is a shell-shaped prayer niche built in the 10th century.

Mezquita Cordoba Mihrab T1400545

The mihrab traditionally faces Mecca. However, the one in the mosque of Cordoba faces south. 

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The striped brick and stone arches are supported by 856 granite and marble pillars from the Roman and Visigothic ruins. 

Mezquita Catedral 2 Cordoba C Consorcioturismocordoba

The sun’s rays create an impressive play of light between the pillars and the arches.

Also, like many cathedrals in southern Spain, the Mosque of Cordoba has an orange tree courtyard. 

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You can enter the Patio de los Naranjos free of charge, and this is where you will find the kiosk to buy your ticket for the oficial tour. 

Entrance to the Mosque costs €11 per person. Children between 10 and 14 years old will pay €6, and children under 10 are free.

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Early risers can visit the mosque for free from Monday to Saturday from 8:30am to 9:30am.

Mezquita Cordoba T1400546
All photos from Spain.info


Laurence Crumbie

Laurence Crumbie is a writer from the UK based in Estepona. Before joining the Olive Press he worked as a freelance travel journalist in Myanmar, where he lived for two years.
When he isn't planning his next intrepid trip, Laurence is hunting for great green stories, especially local ones, or writing features for the La Cultura section.
If you have a story, please contact him at laurencec@theolivepress.es.

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