1 Nov, 2021 @ 14:38
1 min read

Spiteful foster son on Spain’s Costa Blanca goes on online spending spree to clear out family bank account

Spiteful Foster Son On Spain's Costa Blanca Goes On Online Spending Spree To Clear Out Parental Bank Account
Bildnummer: 59080542 Datum: 11.01.2013 Copyright: imago/Jochen Tack Schatten einer Hand, hält eine Kreditkarte, über einer Computer Tastatur. Symbolbild Internetkriminalität, Datensicherheit, Computersicherheit, Symbolfoto Model released x0x xkg 2013 quer Aufmacher Symbol Symbolbild Symbolfoto Symbolaufnahmen symbolisch Symbolik Elektronik elektronisch Computer Rechner Technik technisch Software online Wlan W-lan Wifi drahtlos Display digital Internet Internetanschluss Internetverbindung Provider Zugang mobil Mobilitaet Kommunikation mobile office Bildschirm Hotspot surfen browsen Browser Hardware Mobilcomupter Touch Screen Computertechnologie Multimedia Unterhaltungselektronik Lifestyle Mac Macintosh Medien Nutzer User Anwender benutzen Benutzer modern Unterhaltung Application E-Mail email mailen Programm Tastatur Keyboard Tasten Hand Hände Finger tippen schreiben eintippen Datensicherheit Computersicherheit Datenklau Datendiebstahl Kreditkarte Bankkarte Kreditkartenmissbrauch Kreditkartendiebstahl einkaufen bestellen Onlineshop Internetshop Bargeldlos Kreditkartenbetrug Betrug betrügen Betrüger Kriminelle Kriminalität Internetkriminalität Internetbetrug Phishing 59080542 Date 11 01 2013 Copyright Imago Jochen Tack Shadow a Hand holds a Credit card above a Computer Keyboard Symbol image Internet crime Data security Computer security Symbolic image Model released x0x xkg 2013 horizontal Highlight symbol Symbol image Symbolic image Icon shots symbolic Symbolism Electronics electronically Computer Calculator Technology Technically Software Online Wifi w Lan Wifi wireless Display Digital Internet Internet connection Internet connection Provider Access Mobil Mobility Communication Mobile Office Screen Hotspot Surfing Browser Hardware Touch Screen Computer technology Multimedia Consumer Electronics Lifestyle Mac Macintosh Media Users User Users use Users Modern Entertainment Application e Mail e-mail Mail Program Keyboard Keyboard Buttons Hand Hands Fingers type write type Data security Computer security Data Data theft Credit card Bank card Credit card abuse Credit card theft Shopping order Online Internet shop cashless Credit card fraud Fraud cheat Fraudsters Criminals Crime Internet crime Internet fraud Phishing

AN Alicante man, 28, cleared out the bank account of his foster parents in an online spending spree after he stopped living with them.

The couple, aged in their 80’s, took him in when he was just five-years-old.

The Policia Nacional have arrested the man for defrauding his foster parents, now aged in their eighties, of over €38,000.

The man’s relationship broke down with them last year and he moved to another property owned by the couple.

Before he departed for pastures new, he made a note of their bank card details.

The police said he subsequently made 645 illegal transactions in 11 months.

He mainly used online shopping sites where bought computers, games, and consoles, as well as making takeaway food orders.

The couple’s bank account balance was ‘almost zero’ according to the police.

Image Credit: Cordon Press

Alex Trelinski

Alex worked for 30 years for the BBC as a presenter, producer and manager. He covered a variety of areas specialising in sport, news and politics. After moving to the Costa Blanca over a decade ago, he edited a newspaper for 5 years and worked on local radio.

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