A TOURIST is being investigated for pouring water on ancient cave drawings so that they appear brighter in photos.
The 39-year-old could face fines running into the thousands after damaging the 6,000-year-old works in the protected Sierra Sur de Jaen cave networks.
The Spaniard, from Los Villares, also in Jaen, is believed to have poured water on multiple paintings in a bid to enhance their colour.

He was rumbled by the Guardia Civil after uploading photos to Facebook that clearly showed the limestone had been made wet.
But when water is applied to the rock, its salt contents begin to dissolve, forming a white crust that hides the drawings and causes irreparable damage to their pigment.
All the paintings targeted by the individual are declared as Assets of Cultural Interest, meaning they are protected by law.
The incident has led to local outcry over the lack of protection provided to the ancient sites by the local government.
The local mayor said the areas are difficult to manage and that the town hall lacks the necessary funds to properly protect the caves.