30 Oct, 2007 @ 10:59
1 min read

Maddie taken to Morocco by paedophiles


Maddie MccannMajority of Spaniards believe McCanns are lying after TV appeal

A TOP Spanish detective agency believes Maddie McCann was kidnapped to order by a gang of paedophiles and smuggled to Morocco.

The company Metodo 3 reportedly thinks Madeleine was snatched after a tip-off by an insider at their Portuguese holiday complex.

The private eye team based in Barcelona has reportedly never failed to find a missing person, giving hope to distraught parents Kate and Gerry.

The group is said to be creating a ‘hitlist’ of Portuguese paedophiles known to prey on girls of Madeleine’s age.

Meanwhile over 70 per cent of viewers of a Spanish TV interview with Kate and Gerry McCann believe they were lying.

In a viewers’ poll, over two thirds believed they were covering up something in relation to the disappearance of their daughter Maddie in May.

The late night programme 360 Grados, in which Kate McCann broke down in tears, was chosen because the McCann’s believe that the Portuguese media have been relentlessly hostile.

They hoped that the Spanish programme might persuade viewers to be more sympathetic to them.

But in the discussion section following the 14-minute interview callers voiced their doubts about the couple.

The family have also issued an artist’s impression of the man believed to have snatched their daughter.

With no impression forthcoming from the Portuguese police, the family commissioned one of the UK’s top crime artists to make the sketch.

It is based on the recollection of one of the so-called Tapas Nine – the McCanns’ friends – who were also staying in Praia da Luz in May.

Jane Tanner, 36, told police how she saw a man carrying a bundle away from the apartment and down towards the church at around 9.15pm that night.

The man was around 5ft 9ins, about 35 years in age, with dark hair parted at the side and slightly longer at the back. He wore a dark jacked, beige trousers and dark shoes.

A local paedophile not the McCanns killed Maddie, opinion, http://theolivepress.es/2007/10/25/a-local-paedophile-not-the-mccanns-killed-maddie/


  1. I’m realy sick of this English soap. People who are from North morocco are happend to be blond and have blue eyes. I’m also from morocco and I look very north Euopean. I can show you dozen kids who look like this ‘maddy’. If you stupit english people come here to spot some ‘missing’ girl and blaming everyone here for paedophile. Please stay out of our country and leave us alone. Eating to much fish and chips is not very good for the eye and brain, apparently. Enough is enough. I use to have a good image of Britain but not anymore!

  2. Please don’t think this about British people. Most of us are appalled by these supposedly good parents and the way they behave. If you go to our blogs or forums you will see that far more people don’t believe the tapas nine than do. Those that do seem to be under the impression that because the pair are doctors they wouldn’t do anything wrong. Most of the British public support the Portuguese investigation and believe that the McCann’s and their agents are lying about Morocco, which we consider to be a civilized country.

  3. Well what can I say about this soap opera! Morocco seem to be a nice diversion … no one seem to explain why there has been dna matching Madeleine in the parents rental car?
    If these parents weer so caring about this little girl and their theory stands, why was so easy that she disappeared while they were seemingly “somewhere”. Whiel it is certainly sad what happened, this is so fishy …. and I hope law enforcement soon will bring thsi to closure because the WORLD is SICK of this while thousands of kids are dying due to war and disease every day in this world.

  4. I think people should be very, very careful about ‘guessing’ that the McCanns are guilty. Probability suggests paedophiles, of which there are many in Portugal.

    I lived in Portugal for almost 20 year, many of those working with a top Lisbon law firm. What I learned firsthand was of the incompetence, indifference and politicization of Portuguese police – both at the local and national level. For example, we had actual photos of an assault, which clearly identified the assailant, and witnesses who gave his name and address, but it wasn’t ‘sufficient evidence’ for the police. Why? Because in the end the Ministry of Tourism discourages such cases. Too much tourism money is involved.

    My own feeling is that most of the Algarve is and has been for years, from a social behavioral point of view, a disgusting place full of marginals of all kinds. If one were to suspect the McCanns of anything, it could only be of bad taste and poor judgement for vacationing there.

  5. As an ex UK police officer I find the whole investigation into maddy’s dosappearance a complete disgrace. So many mistakes were made at first that a lot of covering up and backtracking seems to have taken place. I honestly do not belive the parents had anything to do with what happened. Yes they were wrong to leave such young children on their own but, they have to live with that the rest of their lives. Leave them alone and let the proper people get on with the work of finding the girl, alive or not..

  6. as a mother i truly feel for Kate and Gerry,yes they know it was wrong to leave the children and i,m sure they must feel so guilty in doing so,but that doesnt make them murderers.i,m sure had the police done everything by the book in the first place,Maddie may have been found but now its too little too late.hope is all thats left now,every day i hope for news that she is alive and well but fear even if she is she will be so truamatised by her ordeal it will take very special handling to help the whole family cope.

  7. maddie isn’t dead you idiot your so negative im glad you dont rule the world nobody would be on it including yourself. She went to amsterdam now who is the strangers calling her la petite let’s get on with it as for being sympathetic obviously you should be and if you cant be dont think of em at all think of the child and who is them strangers and clowns are to be fun for kids not to steal them and if you cant then try minding your own business nosy ass people it aint your life and you should keep your nosy ass out of it in america people are so nosy if you dont have shoes on in the summer their askn why and telling you to get em on or trying to give you some because their nosy and dont have the common sense that its warm enough to be barefooted and its indian ground and also that its holy ground they learned nothing in church neither did the health department. Health department dont care about 3rd degree burns from hot coffee or food just that you have your shoes on cant be socks has to be shoes its stupid and so are they in the usa.

  8. Everyone needs to remember the point in this is to stop this little girl from anymore harm ad trauma than she has already gone through <3 I hope everything is sorted out within a year.
    Just think of her family! And not just her parents! Think of the aunts and grand parents!
    Don't jump to conclusions with anything!
    Give hope for maddie <3
    Just like you would if it was you <3

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