A QUICK-THINKING mayor saved the life of a helpless Moroccan man stranded in boggy marshland in Huelva.

Juan Duarte, the mayor of San Juan del Puerto, spotted the 35-year-old stuck in the mud and fighting for his life.
Out on his morning jog, Duarte heard cries for help coming from the marshes.
He followed the man’s voice until discovering him stuck in mud, with the tide quickly rising around him.
After calming the Moroccan down, Duarte called the fire brigade and police services.
He threw fallen tree logs towards the stranded man, who used them to keep himself above the tide until the emergency services arrived.
When they got to the scene, one fireman took his own life into his hands and plunged into the water to save the man without putting on safety equipment.
Fireman confirmed that if Duarte had not noticed the man he would have probably died that day.