SPANISH police have rescued a group of girls as young as 16 from a prostitution ring that forced them to earn at least €1,000 a day.
Some 21 victims, all Nigerian, had been lured to Spain with promises of jobs, but were instead forced to work 14 hours a day on the party island of Ibiza.
A police spokesman said: “If they didn’t earn 1,000 euros a day, they would be forced to kneel for hours and beaten with sticks and brooms.”
Leaders of the ring warned them that their families would be killed if they did not cooperate.
17 of the women had been kept in one small apartment with four girls to a bed.
The video shows the distressed victims sitting with their heads between their knees while police search the premises, uncovering thousands of euros.
An operation carried out by the Spanish police and the Office of Criminal Investigation in Germany and Europol led to the arrest of 24 suspects, including two women ringleaders.
The women, who had been smuggled into Europe on boats and planes, were told they would have to buy their freedom by earning €57,000 for the ring’s leaders.
There are so many nasty evil people in this world!!!