INCREDULOUS Sevillianos are up in arms over a snooty article in Britain’s Daily Mail that warns Brits off their sun-soaked city.
And the reason given is more than enough to grind the gears of long put-upon locals.
The British daily advises its readers to steer clear of Sevilla ‘thanks to its popularity with boozed up Brits’.
According to ‘popular culture expert’ Nick Ede, the Andalucian capital is ‘very touristy, it is a little bit tacky, and it is certainly not off the beaten path’.
While acknowledging the medina-like alleyways, Sevilla oranges and architectural heritage, Ede is quick to stick the boot in.

He notes that the Sevilla mayor, José Luis Sanz, is being forced to take the measure of banning groups from roaming the streets in their underwear and engaging in ‘obscene acts’.
And he concludes that the city is increasingly seen as ‘being overrun by youngsters who see it as a thrifty option to party abroad thanks to its good weather and cheap alcohol.’
The verdict did not go down well with Sevillanos, who were quick to point out the irony in a British newspaper advising Brits to avoid their city due to drunken Brits.
“I just heard on the radio that the Daily Mail does not recommend visiting Sevilla due to drunken tourism…. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,” was one response on social media.

“The British criticise the drunken tourism but they’re the ones who do it,” another commented. “We have to change this now.”
“The Daily Mail has called Sevilla and Benidorm vulgar?” stormed another. “Vulgar is your cuisine which makes you want to puke!”
Benidorm was also on the same list of holiday destinations to miss if you ‘want to avoid looking tacky’.
However, the outrage from the east coast resort city was a little more muted.
Other well-known locations that got a good kicking included ‘clichéd’ Paris, ‘overpriced’ Mykonos and ‘brash’ Miami.