20 May, 2012 @ 12:57
1 min read

Self-made man becomes Junta vicepresident

AN orphan, who once worked as a hairdresser, has become Andalucia’s new deputy leader.

Self-made man Diego Valderas Sosa – who also previously delivered gas bottles – has been sworn in as the new Junta Vice President from the left-wing IU party.

No stranger to hard slog, Valderas, from Huelva, later worked his way up from admin assistant to manager at a vineyard.

He then became one of the youngest mayors in Andalucia, when – at the age of 26 – he took the post in Bollullos Par de Condado.

He was born in the town in 1953, before becoming orphaned as a teenager when both parents died on the same day.

At the age of 16 he moved to Barcelona to land his first job as a cook.

Valderas, who says his only objective is to ‘avoid the Right getting in in Andalucia’ later became Speaker of the Junta.

He got the current post after PSOE was forced to enter a coalition with the IU Party in order to stay in power last month.

Valderas is a keen cook and walker, and his family runs a catering firm in Bollullos.

Surprisingly he does not have a driver’s licence, but does enjoy jogging and walking in the countryside.

Eloise Horsfield

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1 Comment

  1. Good for him. When one hears of a self made man in Spain one links it with corruption.

    The only down side to this is yet another political lefty in the Junta. Have not destroyed Anadulcia already ????

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