9 Aug, 2012 @ 11:05
1 min read

An olympic failure

opinion on gib terror plot

WITH surface-to-air missiles deployed across London, fighter-planes guarding the skies, and a security team of over 23,700, British soil should, in theory, be the safest place on earth during the Olympics.

The UK is on heightened alert, which is why the bomb plotters aimed to wreak terror on Gibraltar – a soft target – instead.

Realising that an attack on any British soil during the Olympics would have generated tremendous publicity, it seemed a fail-safe plan.

The fact that Gibraltar lies 2,000 miles away from the games was irrelevant… these men wanted to hurt Britain in any way they could.

Thankfully though the superb Spanish and British security services were wise to the threat and dealt with it fast.

But, it serves as a reminder that we should all still keep our eyes peeled.

1 Comment

  1. FBI was first to raise the alert to be fair to them, with the intelligence agencies from Russia, France, Britain, Gibraltar and ultimately Spain following it through with the actual arrests, great job and a brilliant joint operation. Absolutely agree with everything said in the article except for the headline. The London 2012 Olympics was a resounding success for all involved.

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