9 Aug, 2012 @ 11:25
1 min read

ERE fraud investigation reveals missing files

judge mercedes alaya ere fraud case
Judge Mercedes Alaya

THE judge in the so-called ERE fraud scandal has discovered that 175 individual cases have mysteriously been deleted from Junta computers.

In order to get to the bottom of the cases, between 2001 and 2004, she has ordered all   banks, accountants and lawyers linked to the case to hand over account details.

Judge Mercedes Alaya is seeking to unravel the multi-million-euro fraud that started over a decade ago.

Under the ERE umbrella Junta chiefs channelled money from Madrid and the EU into a so-called ‘reptile fund’ which was used to pay off friends and family.

The scandal has so far seen three people jailed, including employment chief Javier Guerrero and his chauffeur Juan Francisco Trujillo.

Trujillo admitted the pair had spent €25,000 a month from the fund on cocaine and partying.

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