RADICAL political party the IU is throwing its support behind a Spanish coalition government of the left.
Alberto Garzon’s party wants a political pact between Spain’s left-wing parties to ensure Mariano Rajoy’s PP are kept out of power.

The IU won two seats in December’s general election.
Meanwhile, Garzon confirmed he has spoken with the Socialist PSOE leader, Pedro Sanchez, who has bbeen in Lisbon for talks with Portuguese prime minister, Antonio Costa.
Garzon said: “We have suffered four years of brutal cuts and now we have the opportunity to put propositions on the table to take us in a totally different direction.”
A source close to Sanchez said they believed December’s election result had produced a similar political landscape to that in Portugal, where the Socialist Costa is backed by the Communists.
The source was adamant that talks with Podemos and other left-wing parties could ‘end as in Portugal, knitting together a progressive alliance that cuts off the path to the right in Spain’.