26 Jan, 2016 @ 09:49
1 min read

Spanish morcilla hailed as superfood alongside blueberries and kale

black pudding

black-puddingONE of Spain’s most beloved tapas dishes has made a surprise appearance on the world’s ‘superfoods’ list.

Morcilla, or black pudding, is being lauded for its nutritional value and has been included on a list of superfoods by British nutritionist MuscleFood.

The humble sausage, principally made from pigs’ blood, joins the likes of avocado oil, seaweed and black beans on the exclusive list.

Loaded with protein, potassium, calcium and magnesium, as well as being practically carb free, morcilla is expected to fly off the shelves in 2016.

It is also rich in iron and zinc – two minerals frequently missing from modern diets.

MuscleFood spokesman Darren Beale said: “2015 saw healthy eating reach a new level and this year we predict this trend is only going to get bigger.

“Some of the foods have been on the up for a while like avocado oil and maca root, but others like mushrooms and black pudding have been a total surprise to us.

“It’s great to have this new research available to find out the hidden qualities in food and we can’t wait to see how these new trends take off.”

Morcilla madness: Three top tips

morcillaMorcilla with potatoes and paprika

Boil potatoes before frying on moderate heat with thick slices of morcilla. Serve with generous sprinkling of paprika.

Morcilla casserole

Simmer vegetable stock with potatoes, carrot, peppers, garlic, oregano and cumin for 20 minutes. Fry morcilla chunks and fold into the bean stew. Garnish with pepper.

Morcilla and chicken

Roast cuts of chicken with peppers, onions and hunks of morcilla splashed in olive oil. Serve with Rosemary and a glass of red wine.

Rob Horgan

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  1. Irresponsible for Spanish to offer morcilla as health food.
    One slice of 25gms contains:
    95 calories
    8.6 gms of fat
    30 mg sodium (7% daily requirement)
    30 mg cholesterol (10% daily requirement)

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