MORE than three weeks of no new infections gives the green light for the freeing of the Gibraltar lockdown to continue.
Although there have been no infections within Gibraltar, one cross-frontier worker based in Spain did test positive.
The new elderly carer was detected to have the virus but he was tested before starting work and sent home to self-isolate.
Spanish authorities were contacted about his case and contact tracing information supplied.
This isolated incident has continued to highlight the important strategic work being carried out by the Gibraltar Government.
Nearly 13,000 swabs of the Rock’s population have been taken so far and there is only one pending result.
“It is obvious we have a very good story to tell on the receding level of infections and the number of active cases,” said Chief Minister Fabian Picardo.
“Tomorrow it will be a full a full fourteen days of zero active cases in Gibraltar.
“We are now able to report a full three weeks with no new infections.”
Random testing will now be carried out around Gibraltar, such as at beaches and in workplaces, especially after contact tracing reports.

Freeing up
In Phase Five text messages about the virus will stop and people will be able to gather in groups of 20 instead of just 12.
Restaurants and bars can now open until 2am and have up to ten people on each table.
Full medical activity will restart for all departments at the hospital, including screenings and operations from July 3.
Easyjet are due to start on July 20, although they will fly to Malaga from July 1.
Picardo said more ‘reliable’ temperature scanning could be used to observe possible virus carriers once more flights start to arrive in Gibraltar.
Sportspeople and fans will be happy to know they can start looking forward to more freedoms.
The Gibraltar national football squad already started training last Saturday, with the junior squads to follow on shortly.

The Gibraltar Sports and Leisure Authority (GSLA) are now working to get more sports up to public health standards.
The successful rhythmic gymnastics team are now using special mats that can be easily disinfected while athletics time trials will start soon.
Non-contact sports like paddle-tennis have already got the go-ahead.
Swimming sessions can now have up to 12 people involved at the 25m pool with the new accessible pool taking bookings.
A Stay and Play programme of activities for children will start on July 13.
The Chief Minister commented on ‘a remarkable level of positive international comment on Gibraltar’s management of the pandemic’.
This has included articles in the UK national press which have praised the golden and silver hour schemes.
Both of these will continue during Phase Five, setting apart certain hours for the elderly to exercise at Commonwealth Park and days on which they can use swimming facilities alone.

Special steps were installed at the Europa Pool at Camp Bay to be used by the elderly to get in and out of what was previously called Nuffield Pool.
The abortion referendum could now be held in September if there is no increase in cases and according to public health advice amid fears of a second wave.
The Chief Minister concluded by saying Gibraltar’s success had been based on being ‘prudent and careful’ and this was the attitude that must be taken in the future.