BROTHELS in the Valencian Community hiding under the cover of legitimate entertainment businesses will be closed down as part of new measures to reduce prostitution.
The move is part of a ten-point plan drawn up by the Valencian Forum for the Abolition of Prostitution which has seen over 30 experts working on proposals.
A change in regional laws will also recognise female prostitutes as victims of gender violence.
Valencian Justice Minister, Gabriela Bravo, has signed an amendment to the Public Establishment law to impose penalties on businesses with hospitality and leisure licences that allow prostitution on their premises.
Bravo said: “It will be possible to prosecute and sanction brothel owners who hide behind the facades of hospitality and entertainment businesses.”
Penalties will range from fines to enforced closure.
Shows and public activities that incite or encourage prostitution or any form of sexual exploitation will also be prohibited.
Bravo has backed the Forum’s recommendation to modify the law over violence against women.
“The law will change to guarantee the access of female prostitutes to all the rights and assistance to protect victims of sexist terrorism,” she commented.
“A general ordnance will be prepared and offered to all Valencian Community communities that treats prostitution as a type of gender violence and not as a public order matter, where a pimp or client is sanctioned,“ continued Bravo.
She referred to a recent case in Albai where a man went to the police to complain that a €30 payment did not get the full service he wanted from a prostitute.
He ended up with an €800 fine under a new local ordnance.
Other parts of the ten-point plan include increasing the availability of social housing to prostituted women and offering help to all sex workers to find other lines of employment.
“The Valencian Community is one the way to being the first region to open the process to abolish prostitution in Spain,“ said Gabriela Bravo.
“This is a process in which we provide concrete measures, legal reforms and viable proposals to put an end to this type of sexist terrorism”, she concluded.
- Man gets police fine after complaining over poor service from prostitute in Spain’s Valencia area
- WATCH: Police video warning those using prostitutes are supporting modern-day slavery across Spain
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