ORGANISERS of illegal parties face massive fines of up to €300,000 in a crackdown by the Balearic Island government.
And guests could be left raving as they too could be ordered to pay out between €300 and €30,000 each in penalties under a proposed law.
The regulations would affect Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera and are slated to be brought in before the summer party season.
In a new move landlords of properties rented out for parties would face the same penalties as the organisers – between €100,000 and €300,000.
Not only would organisers, landlords and guests face hefty fines, but so too would suppliers of food and drink, marquees and other party essentials – a move that could have an effect on the islands’ outdoor catering businesses.

Mercedes Garrido, of the Balearic Island government said: “We have been looking for measures to stop illegal parties and to make organisers think twice when they plan a party.”
The regulations are targeted at mass events and not family gatherings such as birthday parties.
Ibiza President of the Council Vicent Mari said illegal parties are defined as ‘a mass gathering, which is held outside the regulated channels that have a licence, and where there is transport, advertising, DJs and there is an entrance fee’.
Although the Ibizan and Mallorcan ‘private party’ scene has always been popular, the mass closure of clubs during pandemic restrictions saw an ‘exponential growth’ in the market, which is believed to be worth millions of euros.
Several gatherings with hundreds of guests were broken up by police in Mallorca and Ibiza, with guests often not following mask and social distancing restrictions.
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