MANHOLE covers on the Costa del Sol are being stolen at an alarming rate, a local council has warned.
Torremolinos Council has said that the 200 robberies of grids in recent months has cost €80,000 to replace.
Mijas and Fuengirola have also been targeted, and the Torremolinos Water Company are now calling for a clampdown on perpetrators.

“It is a danger for people who walk, but also for cars, motorcycles and bicycles,” said Pedro Pena, the company manager.
He added: “It is very strange that nobody has seen anything.
“In case someone is witnessing one of these robberies, they should notify the police quickly.”
Pena said those responsible might only get €5 for their crime, but each cover costs between €200 and €300 to replace.
The Policia Nacional have asked the public to take note of car registration plates used to transport stolen covers and the identities of thieves.
Police are even now monitoring vehicles with specialised hooks that can lift up the heavy iron covers.
The covers usually end up in black market scrapyards, where stolen material may only fetch 25 cents a kilo.
This is easily fixed. Some years ago in the UK, pubs and clubs were plagued by thefts of aluminium beer barrels. They were simply flogged to bent scrap merchants. So scrapyards may now only pay into traceable bank accounts ( with cards) or cheques, strictly no cash. Failure to do this loses the trading licence, closes the yard and prosecutions follow.
Without fences, thieving is pointless.