10 Nov, 2012 @ 13:00
1 min read

Elderly British couple robbed and beaten in Spain

Attack in Almeria

AN elderly British couple have been violently robbed at their home in Arboleas, Almeria.

The couple, aged 74 and 71, were attacked at 11pm on November 3 after robbers demanded the owners car keys.

The elderly man was viciously beaten when he refused to hand over the keys and required surgery for his injuries.

His wife also required treatment and the couple were rushed to La Inmaculada Hospital in Huercal-Overa.

The man and woman were unable to tell police how many attackers were present during the incident in which several personal belongings were taken, along with cash and other valuables.

The Guardia Civil has launched an investigation to identify the perpetrators and the case will be heard at Huercal-Overa court.


  1. This is vile, but unfortunately it happens everywhere, especially on mainland britain where the police are too soft and nobody has faith in the justice system.Whoever did this let the spanish police sort them out.

  2. Some people think the spanish police don’t have their act together. Let me just say that I wouldn’t like the police who will be looking for these guys – looking for me.

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